05/01/2014 National Intelligence Office unclassified emails reveal cowardly acknowledgement of AIFD message while publicly favoring American Islamists

Ryan Mauro at the Clarion Project is reporting today that declassified emails from the office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) have confirmed that the government agency charged with intelligence against America’s enemies has sadly chosen to rely on pro-Islamist groups such as, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Emails even show that they have even relied upon statements of convicted terrorists at Revolution Muslim to marginalize the work of the American Muslim reform work of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy as “apostasy.”


The Clarion Project report on May 1, 2014 provides a window into the mindset of how lead government intelligence officers allow Islamists to dominate the American Muslim community.


The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) releases the following statement regarding these emails obtained by the Clarion Project that show that ODNI was well aware of AIFD’s work, but chose to favor and work with pro-Islamist groups.


“It is a sad fact that neither the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, nor I, have ever been contacted by the office of the ODNI. Certainly, reading these internal emails while I am glad that they see the importance of our work like the open letter I wrote to Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki in 2010 where I countered his radical call to American Muslims to engage in jihad, I am extremely disheartened that this revelation comes after a scouring of declassified emails rather than a smart policy decision by our national security apparatus. These emails lay bare how the ODNI and the Department of Homeland Security allow themselves to be duped by Islamist groups and prevent the reforms necessary to truly counter the Islamist ideologies (violent and non-violent) which radicalize our communities. The emails stating their impression that AIFD has little perceived “credibility” and their decision to engage with pro-Islamist groups is proof that the department discriminates against reformists and anti-Islamist Muslims allowing their policies to be dominated by one strain of Islam—Islamism.” states Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.


Dr. Jasser went on to comment that, “As shown through the evidence of these emails, there is no question that in this case U.S. government has a pro-Islamist filter.”




About Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser:

Dr. Jasser is the author of A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save His Faith.  He is also the founder and president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD). A former Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy, Dr. Jasser is a nationally recognized expert on the contest of ideas against political Islam and American Islamist organizations. Dr. Jasser also serves as the Vice-Chair of the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom. He is called upon to regularly brief and testify before the U.S. Congress on the threat of political Islam..  He has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The Dallas Morning News, CNN, CBS, Fox News Channel, MSNBC and BBC in addition to nationally syndicated radio programs. He has spoken at hundreds of national and international events including universities, places of worship, and government venues.


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Gordon C. James Public Relations


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602-697-1396 (cell)


05/28/2014 Speaking Up for a Sister: our Responsibility to Mariem Ibrahim

The regime of Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir has, for 25 years, been subjecting the people of Sudan to reprehensible and continuous human rights violations.   From the massacres of civilians in Darfur to systematic murder, rape, torture, and amputations, Al-Bashir’s reign of terror and cruelty has been permitted to continue despite repeated efforts by the International Criminal Court to prosecute him. It has been reported that Sudan carries out the highest number of executions on the African continent, among its many horrific human rights abuses.

Most recently, a young Sudanese woman named Mariem Ibrahim has been sentenced to both lashings and death for refusing to recant her Christian faith. Despite her insistence that she was never a Muslim, the courts have deemed her an apostate and her marriage to a Christian invalid, charging her with adultery. It has also been reported that Mariam has been shackled while in prison. A Sudanese lawyer filed an appeal requesting the judgment against Ms. Ibrahim be repealed, but she and her 20 month old son remain in prison indefinitely. Imprisoned while pregnant, Ms. Ibrahim has now given birth and could at any time be subjected to 100 lashings for the charge of adultery.

The Sudanese court’s decision to sentence Mariem Ibrahim to life in prison and physical torture is as repugnant as any attack on human rights. Freedom of conscience – the freedom to choose any faith or none at all – is a basic and inalienable human right. For every Mariem there are hundreds to thousands more we do not hear about. When will the international community and all individuals of conscience say enough to barbaric regimes like Al-Bashir’s? Many Sudanese have risen bravely to express their desire for freedom. When will we support their vision? If we do not, we are at complicit in the crimes against them.

People of all faiths, and none, should be outraged by the audacity of any government to exist in open and notorious violation of commonly accepted human rights.   We have a responsibility to humanity to vehemently oppose this action, issue our public disdain and send a message that we, as members of humanity will not be silent partners in tyranny. We can no longer sit idly by and just shout in the darkness. We must demand that the antiseptic of light and truth be poured on the Islamist ideologies fueling these barbaric, draconian and fatal interpretations of Sharia.


About the American Islamic Forum for Democracy

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AIFD’s mission advocates for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. For more information on AIFD, please visit our website at http://www.aifdemocracy.org/.


MEDIA CONTACTS:    Gordon James

Gordon C. James Public Relations

