Arizona Islamist Media- (Issue No. 1.3)– Arab Voice chastises CAIR for receiving King Abdullah

モWhy does the CAIR organization receive King Abdullah in its yearly conference?ヤ “The attendance of King Abdullah at the CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations) yearly conference this year was an incident that attracted the attention of most observers. CAIR is known to defend the civil rights of Arabs and Muslims in the United States, and many of them have resented this yearメs guest.” “They gave support to this person as the head of a state which rules with police organizations that do not appear to recognize the simplest forms of civil rights for its own citizens. It would have been much more appropriate to invite personalities known to be defenders of civil rights like Nelson Mandela or others who have a good reputation in that area instead of the head of a state which built special prisons for the punishment and torture of prisoners from Afghanistan and Iraq as some observers mentioned.” “The question here is what kind of a message this organization [CAIR] was trying to convey to the Arabs and Muslims in the United States with this action?” AIFD COMMENT- It says quite a bit when this piece, among other things, tries to make CAIR (an organization whose Arizona chapter shares office space with this newspaper) appear more moderate in the Muslim community. The Arab Voice chastises them for inviting an American ally, King Abdullah. The editor hypocritically chooses to concentrate on one of the most moderate rulers in the entire Middle East who is a friend and an ally of the United States and who arguably has led changes to thwart terrorism and militant Islamism among Muslims. This is not to mention the hypocrisy of the publisher of this same newspaper who has taken AIFD to task on multiple occasions for being too hard on the Saudi Wahhabists. See this link where I comment back in 2004 on Mr. Ahmad’s bizarre defense of the Saudi Wahhabist and his whitewashed perception of their reform. The common thread here is the promotion of the Islamist agenda. Those who counter it are this paper’s enemies while it rushes to the defense of those who defend Islamism. It is even more interesting that the main criticism of this newspaper distributed monthly on American soil and written in Arabic against the King of Jordan is his crackdown on terrorists (prisoners of war against the U.S.) coming from Iraq and Afghanistan. What then are the inclinations and loyalties of the editor of the Arab Voice and the writer of this piece? How does King Abdullahメs attitudes towards civil rights compare with that of the Palestinian organization (Hamas or the PA), not to mention countries like Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia all of which this newspaper has never found room to criticize in any of the issues we have reviewed. This Arab Voice has been a constant apologist for those dictatorships. It would seem that its barometer of hate is not related to measures of freedom but rather to those who happened to be allied with the U.S. (note another piece in the Muslim voice we will send out soon which glorifies foreign Muslim organizations which protested President Bush’s visit to India). ——————————————————————————– This report and translation is provided as a service to our community. See “Why AIFD provides the ‘Arizona Islamist Media Reports” for our commentary which clearly explains our intentions

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