AIFD wishes Muslims around the world “Ramadan Kareem” as it commences on May 16, 2018

On Wednesday, May 16, 2018, Muslims around the world will begin their fasting and commemoration of their holy month of Ramadan.

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) wishes our fellow Muslims around the world a blessed and fulfilling Ramadan and that you find abundant spiritual fulfillment this holy month.

The observation of Ramadan is meant to encourage thankfulness, awareness of our blessings, and to foster compassion. It is also a time of charity, spiritual contemplation, and fellowship.

AIFD holds in our thoughts and prayers all of those who are hungry not out of religious observance, but because they do not have enough to eat; those who are marginalized and forgotten; those whose health (physical or mental) prohibits them from fasting; those who do not have family with which to break their fasts and celebrate the blessings of Ramadan; those who are serving our country domestically and abroad; those who are struggling with their faith; and all those whose lives have been touched by horrific violence.

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Muslim lunar calendar and is a month observed through daily fasting from food and water ,from sunrise to sunset, so that Muslims can commemorate when God revealed the holy Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad. Throughput this month, similar to other faith traditions, fasting, recitation of scripture, family and community gatherings are meant to seek atonement for sins and a renewal of one’s humility before God.

May our Ramadan increase our faith, our mindfulness, and our sense of community.