What is the problem?
AIFD was founded in the wake of the horrific attacks of 9/11, when a group of American Muslims recognized that it was time to amplify our individual voices as part of a collective to fight the ideology behind the attack that changed the world forever. AIFD is about strengthening the bonds between all people – Muslim and non-Muslim, religious and non-religious – who believe in the separation of mosque and state, who oppose both theocracy and secular fascism, and who stand for universal human rights.
We came together to solve a problem that threatens all of us, Muslim and non-Muslim alike: Islamism. Islamism is a theo-political ideology dedicated to the subjugation of non-Muslims and any Muslim who dissents with its aims. Islamists see the establishment of a caliphate – a world government ruled by their cruel, oppressive and bigoted interpretation of Islam – as a divine mandate and earthly goal.
Islamism is distinct from a personal faith practice of Islam which is centered on mercy, compassion, and respect for the diversity of God’s creation. Indeed, many Muslims are anti-Islamist, and stand with us on the front lines of reform against Islamism.
Islamists oppose our efforts – because even if they claim to espouse progressive ideas, we see their deeply malignant agenda.