In the News

10/5/2018: i24 News Mahmoud Abbas takes the world for fools as he delivers irrational U.N. speech

October 8, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

October 5, 2018: AIFD Welcomes a New Era of  Counterterrorism

October 5, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

9/20/2018: i24 News: Curriculum uses martyrdom to teach math and the textbooks are funded by the United Nations and the West. There must be an awakening to give reformers the platform to write new textbooks.

September 24, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

9/20/2018: Evening Edit – Sec. of State Pompeo blasts Former Sec. of State Kerry for meeting with Iranian officials

September 21, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

9/16/2018: Roy Green Radio Show: How U.S. Conservatives see Chrystia Freeland and PM Justin Trudeau

September 17, 2018/by AIFD

9/16/2018: Fox & Friends: Imam linked to radical Islam set to be released early from prison.

September 17, 2018/by AIFD

9/13/2018: The Federalist: “Reformer: New Mexico terrorist camp puts American Muslim in defining moment”

September 13, 2018/by AIFD

9-11-2018: Seth Leibsohn Radio: A discussion on the mindset of modern Islam & what we’ve gotten right and wrong since 9/11

September 12, 2018/by AIFD

9-11-2018: NRA TV: 9/11 era terrorists who remain at large & the importance of focusing on Islamism

September 12, 2018/by AIFD

9-11-2018: An American Muslim shares his thoughts on this 17th anniversary of 9-11-01

September 11, 2018/by AIFD

8/9/2018: WWBD/Middle East Forum – Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamist ideology is weakening America, and I discuss why they need to be classified as a terrorist organization.

September 7, 2018/by AIFD

8/31/2018: “An Impending Massacre in Idlib Syria: History is Watching!”

August 31, 2018/by AIFD

8/20: NRA TV – Political Islam: The main obstacle that stands in the way of Islamic reform

August 22, 2018/by AIFD

8/18/2018: Roy Green: Reaction to issues raised by Maxime Bernier’s tweets

August 21, 2018/by AIFD

8/15/2018: Fox & Friends – Judge grants bail to ‘Jihadi compound’ suspects in absurd ruling.

August 15, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

8/14/2018: Evening Edit: MSM Meltdown: Turkey’s currency collapse due to threat of U.S. sanctions or years of mismanagement

August 15, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

8/14/2018: Revolution in Aspen

August 14, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

8/8/2018: WWDB – Dr. Jasser discussing the Muslim Brotherhood on Middle East Forum

August 9, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

8/6/2018: FBN Evening Edit – Will the Iranian people support the re-imposing of U.S. sanctions?

August 7, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

7/24/2018: Evening Edit: Iranian people & U.S. will not stay silent about Iranian government’s many abuses

July 24, 2018/by Mischel Yosick

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