The Shahzad Email and the Need to Understand Violent Islamism
/0 Comments/in Domestic Policy Issues/by M. Zuhdi JasserKuwaiti Sheikh: Scholars and Preachers Entice Naive Youth to Join Illegitimate Jihad
/0 Comments/in Foreign Policy Issues/by M. Zuhdi JasserUS says Pakistani Taliban may go on terror list
/0 Comments/in Domestic Policy Issues/by M. Zuhdi JasserMosque at Ground Zero Riles 9/11 Families
/0 Comments/in Video/by M. Zuhdi JasserAIFD speaks out against the judgment of imposing a Muslim mosque and cultural center at Ground Zero and for the need to use our resources to combat political Islam- the root cause of militant Islamism.
Symposium/Debate: The World’s Most Wanted: a “Moderate Islam”-
/0 Comments/in AIFD Press Releases/by M. Zuhdi JasserTo achieve our mission we need your help, together we can lead the conversation and movement
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