{AIFD Holiday Message} A wish for you for a most Blessed Eid al-Adha (Holiday of the Sacrifice) Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Eid Mubarak!

Eid al-Adha

To all of our Muslim friends, members, and supporters,

Those of us at the American Islamic Forum for Democracy wish our Muslim friends and supporters a most Bless ed Eid al-Adha (Holiday of the Sacrifice) on this 10th day of Zul-Hijjah, Wednesday, June 28, 2023.

May this holiday inspire each of us to increase our awarenes s of and gratitude for the many blessings we have been given as well as the enormous responsibility we have to serve and aid others. We are so proud of our many accomplishments and programs that our community at AIFD and the Muslim Reform Movement continue to do every day. May this holiday help launch us all into an engaged, empathic, community focused on legacy and the values that we share in the communities that mean the most to us.

We will continue to keep you up to date on our latest as it happens here! We are so blessed to have all of your support and community.

On this holiday of the sacrifice, remember all those you love and all the aspects of your life from family to nation to God that keep us strong and for which we should be forever thankful. We are resolved to continue our mission protecting our nation and our freedoms against the threat of Islamism and its allies across the country and the world.

May we, as brothers and sisters in humanity, use this Eid al-Adha to grow closer to each other and to our Creator, and seize this opportunity to recommit ourselves to the universal values of human rights, individual liberty, and love for all mankind.

At the core of being American is religious liberty to celebrate our most spiritually fulfilling of days. And we hope to continue to live up to our responsibilities to keep our nation free and open to unrestricted worship.

Enjoy your families, communities, and nation on this day and may all of your prayers and supplications be accepted. May the Hajj (pilgrimage) of all those who performed it this year also be accepted.

Yours forever in liberty,

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy


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