8/21/13 A Maverick in his Own Mind

Read the entire story at AmericanThinker.com

Excerpt from the article:

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, author of the book A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save his Faith, told American Thinker that he has tried on numerous occasions to meet with Senator McCain, especially since he resides in Arizona, but was told the Senator is too busy. “This conversation on McCain’s part is quite premature. It shows the unbalance since Morsi usurped power starting last November, which would have been a good time for Senator McCain to become critical. It was necessary to remove Morsi because he had the Egyptian government entrenched in Islamism.” He suggests to Senator McCain that America not take sides, and thread the needle. Dr. Jasser states the need for a transition plan. He is hoping that instead of cutting the aid, which takes away any leverage, the U.S. should designate a portion to building up the political infrastructure and supporting the liberal political parties that advance democratic ideas.