Dear supporters and friends,
You are invited to a live, virtual Q&A session after the viewing of the film “The Syrian Patient” hosted here in the Valley by the East Valley Jewish Community Center and featuring M. Zuhdi Jasser.
To view the film and sign up for the Q&A, please click here.
The Syrian Patient
Sunday, September 6th
Film available from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Live, virtual Q&A session with M. Zuhdi Jasser starts at 3 p.m.
Reality surpasses the imagination in this documentary that allows a look at the Syrian wounded and the Israeli doctors at a hospital in Israel, where enemies become connected.
There is no charge to view the film but those who make a donation of $10 or more to the EVJCC are invited to attend a Q&A at 3 p.m. with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.
Register to view the film and take part in the live Q&A, please click here.
Register to view the film only, please click here.