Public Television Doesn’t Mean Big Bird, It Means Islamist, Russian and Chinese Propaganda

October 27, 2012 By Daniel Greenfield
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Big Bird is in no danger of going anywhere, with hundreds of millions of dollars in its nest egg. Sesame Street makes for a nice public face for public broadcasting, but public broadcasting isn’t anywhere as cozy as that. But it’s actually worse than that.

CCTV, an official propaganda arm of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party, is being distributed to public television stations in the U.S. through a public television programming service called MHz Worldview, a project of MHz Networks.

The federally-funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) funneled $27,580,113 into MHz Networks and its affiliates in fiscal year 2011.

MHz Networks is a division of Commonwealth Public Broadcasting, based in Richmond, Virginia, and distributes Al-Jazeera, the voice of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) channel, and CCTV, under the rubric of “Programming for globally-minded people.” MHz Worldview calls itself “alternative programming for U.S. public TV stations and other distributors.”

All of these foreign propaganda channels are being broadcast in English.

Kenney hired a lawyer to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission, arguing that the contracts between the public TV stations affiliated with Commonwealth are being improperly used for the purpose of broadcasting foreign propaganda in the U.S. Violations of the rules can result in financial fines and revocation of broadcast licenses. “U.S. taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize the distribution in the U.S. of another country’s propaganda,” Kenney says.

Kenney has also filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice alleging that the foreign propaganda channels are violating the law by not disclosing in their propaganda broadcasts that they are agents of foreign powers.

That’s 27 million dollars that poor CPB funneled into pushing enemy propaganda broadcasts into the United States.  Here is the actual text of Kenney’s complaint. And maybe Team Big Bird should rename itself Team Putin or Team Qatar.

Opinion: A leader for these times

Arizona Republic


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Impending “fiscal cliffs.” Unprecedented national debt. Trillion-dollar annual deficits.

These are the great issues of our day, like it or not. We cannot wish them away. About their resolution, the nation has two choices: We can do nothing (or too little) and let the consequences roll over us as they are now in Greece and Spain. Or, we can act.

As a member of Congress, Jeff Flake has demonstrated a remarkable willingness to face down wild-eyed federal spending and deficits. A relentless scourge of the practice of “earmarking” local spending projects in federal budgets, Flake is widely acknowledged as the lawmaker who drove the earmarking money-changers from the Capitol temple.

And he often did it to his detriment, as his many conflicts with Republican House leaders over the years have made clear.

With the exception of Rep. Paul Ryan, perhaps no candidate for federal office in this election cycle is more committed to forcing sanity back into the nation’s finances.

This is Jeff Flake’s moment. The Arizona Republic recommends voters support Flake for the U.S. Senate, replacing retiring Sen. Jon Kyl.

In another election year, in another era, Flake’s Democratic opponent, Richard Carmona, could be an ideal Senate candidate from Arizona.

He is independent-minded on many fronts, a characteristic that has endeared him to Republicans and Democrats alike. He freely acknowledges he changed his party affiliation from independent to Democrat scarcely a year ago.

He is assertive and firm in his judgments, and he makes himself well-versed on issues. When he says he talks to all sides, believe him.

Indeed, he is a candidate reminiscent of another time. His no-nonsense demeanor recalls former U.S. Sen. Dennis DeConcini, a Democrat that Arizona conservatives respected as much as liberals did. And there is more than a touch of Rudy Giuliani in this pretension-free New York native, the war hero and medical doctor with the resume from Central Casting.

But recession-weary Arizonans scarcely need reminding that these are not the economically full-throttle days of Reagan or Clinton.

On issues pertaining to federal deficit spending and over-regulation, Carmona can be elusive. He is committed to “working with” people to arrive transparently at mutually agreeable conclusions. But as to what that means in the harder numbers of taxes and spending cuts, Carmona can be difficult to pin down.

Flake, on the other hand, is philosophically committed to smaller and more efficient government. On fiscal matters, everyone knows where he stands.

But there is something more about Flake. The candidate always has been affable, approachable and informed. But in the course of this campaign, especially, he seems to have grown.

In a recent interview with The Republic’s editorial board, Flake shined. These are subtle intangibles, but in arguing his positions, Flake seemed to demonstrate something very much like leadership. It was his best performance as a lawmaker and leader that we have seen.

The Republican candidate is far from perfect.

We remain disappointed that Flake no longer is the champion for comprehensive border reform that he once was.

Further, the scourge of budgetary earmarking has yet to demonstrate an appreciation for the difference between pork-laden spending projects and legitimate economic development that benefits his home state.

We hope he comes to see the distinction.

If the government is going to spend it, there is nothing wrong with arguing it should be spent in Arizona.

Likewise, it hardly seems a violation of principles of limited government to support job-creating economic development in your home state.

But as a bulwark against the nation’s greatest pending threat — its fracturing finances — there is no one better for the job.

The Republic recommends Jeff Flake for the U.S. Senate from Arizona.

‘American Taliban’ says prison restricts prayer

‘American Taliban’ says prison restricts prayer

By Chelsea J. Carter, CNN, Aug. 27, 2012

(CNN) — John Walker Lindh, who is serving a 20-year sentence for aiding the Taliban, heads to federal court Monday in Indianapolis in an attempt to overturn a prison ban that he says severely restricts Muslim prayer.

Lindh is scheduled to take the stand in a lawsuit he filed against the warden and the federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, alleging the warden’s ban on daily group prayer violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The warden, according to court documents, has argued that the ban implemented after 2007 is necessary because of security concerns.

Lindh, 31, is serving his sentence in Terre Haute’s Communications Management Unit, which opened in 2006. The unit severely restricts the contact of prisoners with the outside and monitors conversations between the inmates.

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Hamas and the old/new American crescent

Hamas and the old/new American crescent

MWC News, Aug. 20, 2012

If the outcome of the so-called “Arab Spring” has been the accession to power of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt and a similar Islamist movement in Tunisia, and the strengthening of sectarian and tribalist jihadists in the guise of “fighters for democracy” in Libya and Syria (the temporary defeat of the Bahraini and Yemeni peoples’ uprisings notwithstanding), the recent admission of Hamas to the ranks of forces that not only do not threaten American interests in the region, but also would like to work to enhance them is a notable transformation.

Qatar has been the mover and shaker in this battle to extend and upgrade the informal international legitimacy that Hamas has in the eyes of the people of the region and Third World allies to the official level of Arab and Western governments. That Hamas, with Qatari support, was the first Islamist party in the Arab world that won a solid electoral victory in 2006 did not serve to grant it the legitimacy it deserved in the eyes of the United States, the most formidable anti-democratic force in the region and the world.

Instead, it galvanised the US, Israel and the collaborationist Palestinian Authority to stage a coup against it to deprive it of that victory. Having understood that the electoral strategy failed to have Hamas replace Fateh at the helm of the PA, Qatar and the top leadership of Hamas realised that the “Arab Spring” offers important new opportunities in this regard.

Slowly but surely, Hamas was pulled out of Syria and is being fully taken out of the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah alliance that threatens US-Israeli-Saudi strategy in the region, not only by transferring its top leadership from Damascus to Qatar, but also through a major rehabilitation effort of Hamas in Jordan, whose King Abdullah had exiled members of the Hamas leadership in 1999 on the orders of the US and Israel.

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Israel, America Bashed at Iranian-Inspired DC Rally

Israel, America Bashed at Iranian-Inspired DC Rally

Investigative Project on Terrorism, Aug. 20, 2012

Claims of Jewish control of the media and American politics and alleged war-mongering by Israel and America dominated speeches Friday at an Iranian-inspired rally in Washington, D.C.

“If you love America, you love lying, you love rape, you love murder, you love killing,” said Abdul Alim Musa, imam of Washington D.C.’s Masjid Al-Islam and head of a separatist movement called As-Sabiqun. “And then, the Zionist, diabolical, sinister Israeli. Nobody in history, they cry about some Holocaust, we had five or ten people get killed.”

Similar rallies were held in New York, Chicago, Detroit and other cities. The rallies were promoted by American University’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter, and through personal Twitter posts by Cyrus McGoldrick, advocacy director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) New York chapter.

Resolutions adapted by Quds Day organizers endorse Hamas rule and call for a “one-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The “one-state” idea is a non-violent means of eliminating Israel, because the greater number of Palestinians would eliminate Israel as a Jewish state. “We support a peaceful dismantling of the Zionist State and a referendum with participation from the Christians, Jews and Muslims within the present day borders of the Zionist State, as well as participation from Palestinians within the occupied territories and refugee camps scattered across the region in deciding their fate,” a resolution reads.

The resolutions dismiss Palestinian terrorism as “side issues.”

The crowd at Washington’s Dupont Circle was reminded that Quds Day is the creation of Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini. In Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used the day to call for Israel’s elimination, calling it “a cancerous tumor.”

“Many of the problems facing the Muslim world are due to the existence of the Zionist regime,” Ahmadinejad said.

Ahmadinejad’s statements were condemned as “outrageous and hateful” in a rebukefrom European Union foreign affairs director Catherine Ashton. “Israel’s right to exist must not be called into question,” she said.

But Ahmadinejad made similar statements earlier this month, blaming 400 years of problems on “the horrendous Zionist clan” dominating global politics, media and economics. “Any freedom lover and justice seeker in the world must do its best for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the path for the establishment of justice and freedom in the world,” he said.

Iran’s Lebanese-based terrorist proxy issued more specific threats Friday, boasting the capability to inflict mass casualties on Israeli civilians.

“Hitting these targets with a small number of rockets will turn … the lives of hundreds of thousands of Zionists to real hell, and we can talk about tens of thousands of dead,” said Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah.

Unlike previous Quds Day rallies in Washington, this year’s event featured softer rhetoric and no Hizballah flags. But speakers still pushed anti-Semitic theories and strident anti-Israeli and anti-American rhetoric. A compilation of examples appears below.

“The reality is in this country, the Zionist thugs who manipulate politics and the media as well, they often want us to hide to keep the message of support for the Palestinian people only off to the side,” said Eugene Puryear of the leftist ANSWER Coalition. “And I think it’s very important to note that we will not hide anymore.”

Though Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria continues to slaughter civilians, no speaker mentioned the plight of Syrian citizens. Rather, it is Israel that is responsible for “one of the greatest crimes going on in the world today,” Puryear said. “It is “the most divisive force, really one of the most divisive force (sic), along with the U.S. imperialist government, who are their allies, and the entire world, in sowing strife and destruction, everywhere they go.”

American politics is held hostage by candidates to Jewish interests, said Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin. She said there was no difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian issue or on whether to attack Iran to stop its nuclear weapons program. That’s because “both of them [are] pandering for the votes of a very small minority of people in the United States and [are] really looking for money for their campaigns.”

Mauri Saalakhan, a writer and conspiracy theorist, discussed a poster showing Muslims either imprisoned for terrorism-related convictions or killed in U.S. drone strikes to argue that “the devastation that is taking place in Muslim lands, in occupied Philistine, or as it is commonly known today – Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Somalia, in Yemen, in Pakistan and many of these other countries in the international community – It is also taking place here in America.”

Defense attorney Lynn Stewart, who was convicted of helping her client, blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahmansend messages to other terrorists, is imprisoned “because she was willing to represent Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman a little too effectively,” Saalakhan claimed. Abdel-Rahman is considered the spiritual leader behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and was convicted in a subsequent plot to bomb New York City tunnels and landmarks.

Others on the poster include “Lady al-Qaida” Aafia Siddiqui, Palestinian Islamic Jihad board member Sami Al-ArianLuqman Abdullah – a Detroit imam killed by FBI agents trying to arrest him after he opened fire first, blind, al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, and Ali al-Tamimi who was convicted of urging followers to fight American troops following 9/11.

But it was Musa who was the most explicit, placing Israel in a “triangle of terror” along with the United States and Saudi Arabia. Terrorism by al-Qaida and the Taliban are ruses, he said, called in “any time there is an internal need to subvert the Muslims” and to justify killing Muslims and destroying Islam.

Musa made similar comments Friday in an appearance on Press TV, Iran’s English-language media outlet, discussing the “triangle of terror” and Israel’s control over the global media. Press TV also did a feature report on Friday’s rally.

Quds Day is a hate fest centered on a call to destroy an existing country. The speakers in Dupont Circle may have been more subtle than Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah, but their message, made clear in resolutions, was no less violent. It’s not about Israeli policies. It is Israel’s very existence that they want eliminated.


AWOL soldier gets life term for Fort Hood plot

AWOL soldier gets life term for Fort Hood plot

Published August 10, 2012

Associated Press

WACO, Texas –  An AWOL soldier convicted of collecting bomb-making materials for what he told authorities would be a “massive attack” on a Texas restaurant full of Fort Hood troops was sentenced Friday to life in prison.

Army Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, a Muslim, was planning a religious mission to win “justice” for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a recorded jail conservation with his mother played for jurors at trial.

U.S. District Judge Walter allowed Abdo to represent himself at the sentencing after the 22-year-old told him last month that he and his attorneys weren’t communicating effectively.

A federal jury convicted Abdo in May on six charges, including attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. He was AWOL from Fort Campbell, Ky., when arrested with bomb-making materials last summer at a Fort Hood-area motel.

He also was found guilty of attempted murder of U.S. officers or employees and four counts of possessing a weapon in furtherance of a federal crime of violence.

In a recorded police interview, Abdo said he wanted to carry out the attack “because I don’t appreciate what my unit did in Afghanistan.” His plan, according to what he told authorities, was to place a bomb in a busy restaurant filled with soldiers, wait outside and shoot anyone who survived — and become a martyr after police killed him.

According to testimony, Abdo told an investigator he didn’t plan an attack inside Fort Hood because he didn’t believe he would be able to get past security at the gates.

Abdo grew up in the Dallas suburb of Garland and at age 17 decided to follow Islam. He enlisted in the military in 2009, thinking that the service wouldn’t conflict with his religious beliefs.

But according to an essay that was part of his conscientious objector status application filed in June 2010, Abdo reconsidered as he explored Islam further.

Abdo said in his discharge request that other soldiers harassed him about his religion during basic and advanced training. As he neared deployment, he said he studied Islam more closely to learn “whether going to war was the right thing to do Islamically.”

Abdo’s unit was deployed to Afghanistan without him. He said he would refuse to go even if it resulted in a military charge against him.

His conscientious objector status was put on hold after he was charged with possessing child pornography in May 2011. Two months later, during the Fourth of July weekend, Abdo went AWOL from the Kentucky Army post.

In the essay included in the conscientious objector status application, Abdo described the 2009 Fort Hood shooting rampage that left 13 dead and dozens wounded as “an act of aggression by a man and not by Islam.”

Maj. Nidal Hasan faces the death penalty in the shootings at the Army post if convicted. His court-martial is set for later this month at Fort Hood.

MPAC’s political agenda with the Aurora, Colorado Tragedy

In the wake of the tragic shootings in Aurora, CO, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) wasted no time in trying to capitalize on the tragedy for their own political agenda.  The organization issued an email newsletter entitled Now is the Time to End America’s Culture of Violence,” which sickeningly used the image of an obviously distraught family from the Aurora shooting.

MPAC displayed its blatant anti-Americanism while trying to draw moral equivalency between the Colorado shooter and the actions of Islamist terrorists, such as Nidal Hasan.

The newsletter attempted to once again depict Muslims as the victims of American society when it proclaimedWhile Holmes should be labeled, without a doubt, as a murderer, we should be smart enough to realize that he is a terrorist. His premeditated actions that night showed his intent was to instill terror and fear into the audience to make a statement. After last week, American Muslims began to wonder why the media did not label Holmes as such.”

MPAC’s callous treatment of the Aurora community at a bare minimum misses the fact that Holmes actions and motivations have not been released and supposition on his objectives is just that – supposition.  Second the contortionism they had to accomplish to make such accusations is simply astounding.  MPAC is an organization that continually denies any ideological link between Islamism (political Islam) and terrorists like Nidal Hasan and Anwar Al Awlaki. Despite the overwhelming evidence of that linkage, MPAC eschews every opportunity to label and therefore treat the cause of terrorism in Islamic communities.

Terrorism is clearly not only the domain of Islamists. However, Islamist terrorism is the greatest threat we face today and its clear identification is a means to treat and nullify its existence.  MPAC’s statement that “to keep the citizens of our nation safe we must ensure that all threats, no matter where they emanate, are assessed in a similar manner and that we do not focus our attention solely on one specific group of our citizens,” is an attempt to minimize the ideological root of Islamist terrorism by treating any act of violence as an act of terrorism. In doing so, MPAC anesthetizes American Muslims to their central role in countering the ideologies that fuel terrorists.

The actions of James Holmes were horrific.  We may eventually find some motivation that equates his rampage to an agenda that would raise his attack to the level of domestic terrorism or it may ultimately be related to deep seeded psychiatric illness.  For MPAC to make these comments only a week after the shooting with no evidence of Holmes’ motivation is a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the issue of terrorism.

MPAC’s piece is punctuated with a quote attributed to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in which they claim he called America, as a nation, the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world.” In fact, though many of us may disagree strongly with Dr. King, he was simply being critical of the US government, not the United States itself. MPAC modified even this quote to serve their purposes: to express disdain at the United States, even at a time of great tragedy.

For a Muslim organization whose members benefit from the safety and freedom offered by the United States to suggest that the United States is the most violent force in the world is an insult to not just our nation, but it is also an affront to those living under regimes who are currently slaughtering their citizens by the tens of thousands. American Muslims who love this great country and either actively or passively allow themselves to be represented by such vitriol against America should reconsider.

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is meant to be spent remembering and serving the less fortunate, while being grateful for our blessings – not playing victim. Muslims are freer to practice our faith here than anywhere else in the world. The victims of the Aurora massacre and their families deserve our prayers and solidarity as fellow Americans. They do not deserve to be used as pawns in MPAC’s political agenda.

Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser is the author of A Battle for the Soul of Islam (Simon & Schuster, 2012) and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy based in Phoenix, Arizona.

The trouble with “Jumah at the DNC”

It is troubling that the Democratic National Convention has decided to promote and lend its name and national political platform to the organizers of the “Jummah at the DNC”. The leaders of this event – Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj as advertised are no moderates. They are radicals. These individuals embrace Islamist supremacy and have demonstrated support for radical ideologies.

A quick Google search by the DNC would have shown them that Hough and Wahhaj are leaders in the separatist American Islamist movement. While they may be able to get a few thousand Muslims to attend the event, they are NOT going to be mainstream Muslims.  Most will likely come from Hough and Wahhaj’s radical networks that have long been entrenched in the Charlotte area. Make no mistake they are part of the Islamist movement.

This is not about their right of assembly; this group under a different name pulled the same stunt at the US capitol in 2009 claiming 20k and getting 2-3k. THIS IS ABOUT the DNC calling this an “official function” listing these radicals as typical of the DNC community and more importantly about this organization speaking out AS representing supposedly typical American Muslims (or “Mainstream”).

If that is who the DNC is consorting with then all Americans, Democrats should be concerned. There are many patriotic Muslims who are part of both parties, and when radical ideologues like this do a demonstration of “solidarity” in the name of our faith and choose an imam like Siraj Wahhaj who I saw with my own eyes in 1995 seditiously say it his duty and our duty as Muslims to replace the US Constitution with the Quran- then we need to speak up!

Their jummah (group) prayer is supposedly against the Patriot Act, the NYPD, and Islamophobia and is actually NOT about our democracy but about empowering their Islamist and MB sympathetic groups into the very fabric of the political system so that Americans become anesthetized. We need American Muslims to speak up and marginalize these radicals. The DNC needs to understand and reject them because of their radical history and ideas.

They use our American Muslim identity to speak as “one community” as a political unit or as a “bloc vote” – a political Islamist party when in fact most us Muslims don’t want that political unity and seek reform against their ideology that seeks to hijack our community. They do not represent us.

For more on Jibril Hough please review AIFD’s piece “Connecting the Dots of Islamism-Jibril Hough, the Islamic Political Party of America (IPPA), and the Jamaat al-Muslimeen (JAM)” or listen to Dr. Zuhdi Jasser’s March 8, 2010 interview on the Keith Larson show on WBT Charlotte.  Jibril Hough phones in half way through.


Muslim preacher who tried to strangle his daughter, 16, for refusing an arranged marriage to her cousin spared jail

28 July 2012, Mail Online

A Muslim preacher who tried to strangle his 16-year old daughter after she refused to enter into an arranged marriage with her cousin has avoided jail.

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Why Michelle Bachman Is Right to Question Muslim Brotherhood

By Tarek Fatah

Huffington Post


It started as a letter by five members of the U.S. Congress to various security agencies asking them to investigate whether there was undue influence exercised within the U.S. government by staff influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood.

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