CAIR Attacks AIFD through Russian Media

Earlier this year, Dr. Jasser was interviewed by Fox News regarding the Department of Justice’s decision to embrace greater flexibility for its religious members, specifically by permitting certain types of religious dress or appearance to be maintained while in uniform. To see that interview, click here.

Following that interview, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) began another shameful round of attacks against Dr. Jasser. To see those attacks and our full response, click here. 

Despite our many refutations of CAIR’s baseless attacks, they continued (and continue to) smear our work. We even invited CAIR to a public debate on “Islamophobia in America,” with a neutral moderator and venue. They declined our invitation. To see that exchange and our analysis, click here.

Most recently, Dr. Jasser was contacted by Voice of Russia, who had spoken with CAIR about the Department of Justice’s policies. Most revealing was CAIR’s choice to attack Dr. Jasser and AIFD through Russian media, even attempting to pose a question to Dr. Jasser through them.

To read what Voice of Russia published, please click here.

Since the final piece was understandably brief, we thought we would share Dr. Jasser’s interview in its entirety. Below, we have posted Voice of Russia’s questions to Dr. Jasser and the full responses he sent back.


Voice of Russia]: Questions for: US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Vice Chair for the organization Dr. Zuhdi Jasser

Dr. Jasser: First note that ethically you do not define the capacity in which I act during a media interview. I do. During the Fox interview in question and during this interview I am speaking to you on my own behalf as well as President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. If you are interested in our work specifically during my past two years of service on USCIRF, you are welcome to contact USCIRF and avail yourself of the publicly available work there which I have participated in during my tenure thus far as a USCIRF commissioner since 2012.

[VOR]: The Council on American-Islamic Relations released a press release after Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser appeared on Fox News. The council was disgusted by the words that you (Dr. Jasser) said on national TV … as according to CAIR, the International Religious Freedom Vice Chair did not think it was a good idea to broaden the religious freedoms for Muslim military personnel— to what degree is it fair to allow any type of religious follow practice their faith in the US military?

The Council on American-Islamic Relations welcomes the new policy which has broadened the religious rights, Dr. Jasser, how come CAIR states that you are so much against this policy?

Dr. Jasser:  CAIR claims that I am against religious rights being granted for Muslims in the military because they have a very flexible relationship with the truth. My words stand on their own merit. Any honest human being that reviews my comments will know that not only am I not against this new policy, I actually welcomed it publicly – both in the Fox interview over which they attacked me, and in multiple publications and statements after the fact. Unfortunately, the only way CAIR knows how to advance their agenda is to maliciously misrepresent my position in order to defame me in the eyes of other Muslims. It is a desperate and obvious attempt to damage AIFD’s work as we gain more support in the Muslim community. Rather than confront the issue of Islamism and its threat to Islamic reform and true religious freedom, CAIR operates under the premise that any Muslims who call them out and disagree with their Islamist agenda must be “anti-Islam” or “Islamophobic” and thus not a “good Muslim” by their standards. Their behavior smacks of takfirism (the insinuation that other Muslims are not devout enough and thus anti-Islam).

VOR]: It has been noted that you are a devout Muslim which means you actively practice your religion.  To what degree would you be alright with Muslims in the military growing out their beards as a way of showing dedication to their faith?

Dr. Jasser: As was stated in our response to CAIR’s attacks which I hope you read, religious accommodations must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with priority given to mission readiness and unit cohesion. As a veteran of the U.S. Navy and as a practicing Muslim, I found no conflict between practice of my personal faith (including fasting, praying, abstention from alcohol and dating) and my service in the military. Whether or not a beard is an absolute religious requirement is something we Muslims should be able to discuss reasonably.  The beard as described in the sunnah is not even worn by many in CAIR’s leadership, so it is curious that they are so adamant about it as a religious requirement. I will point out that in that interview I did not even explicitly say that men should be forbidden from having beards.  One thing many seem to be forgetting is that a career in the military is not one for those who want limitless personal expression through their appearance. I applaud the military for looking at these more inclusive policies, but also understand that the uniform is meant to create some amount of visual uniformity. I continue to ask that commanding officers be protected from organizations like CAIR who will insert themselves into command decisions to either allow or deny any special religious dress request.

VOR]: During an interview I had with Ibrahim Hooper, the spokesperson for CAIR, he has posed the question to you: How can you defend religious freedom in this organization while decrying religious freedoms for Muslims in the American military?

Dr. Jasser: It is truly stunning – and revealing – that a CAIR official asked me, another American, to defend my position on religious liberty by asking me a question through Russian state media- a foreign media arm of an autocratic state which by the way has great incentive in misrepresenting my positions due to the stance I have taken against the Assad regime and Russia’s support of their genocide from the beginning of their Revolution in 2011.  The simple answer is: Mr. Hooper, as any person with basic literacy and comprehension skills can easily verify, I have never “decried religious freedoms for Muslims in the American military.” This is a dishonest assertion, but as I have said before, CAIR’s inability to engage with integrity is not unexpected, and their desire to silence the urgently needed ideological battle within the Muslim community is legion. I not only stand behind my comments but my eleven years of service in the US Navy as a proud American Muslim.

VOR]: It has been over a month since CAIR has made its press release public, can you give a reason or reasons as to why you have not given any direct response to the organization?

Dr. Jasser: I wonder if Voice of Russia has verified this allegation, or if you have simply taken CAIR’s word for it? First, CAIR’s press release was just that – a press release, a public attack. They were not entitled to a personal response from me, but my organization did indeed publish a response within a few days. A link to that response is here, and is posted prominently on our website. CAIR officials have been made aware of our response. Various members of their staff have taken to social media to attack me, calling me an “Uncle Tom” and even a “monkey.” You can in fact follow my twitter timeline and see that engagement with their leadership. You could easily find my organization engaging CAIR officials on these very issues, and you could also easily find interviews in which I address these issues. Not a one has engaged me on substance – they have merely resorted to ad hominem attacks and untruths. Finally, I have challenged CAIR to a thoughtful public debate on multiple occasions and have received no response. Private conversations with leaders of an organization whose modus operands are through the dissemination of fabrications and deception are a waste of time and do nothing to hold them accountable and honest. We have always been willing to engage their leadership in public substantive conversations.

VOR]: Can there ever be a truce or common understanding between your involvement with religious freedom organizations and CAIR’s activities within the Islamic community?

Dr. Jasser: As long as CAIR continues to lie about my relationship to my faith and my community, and as long as they continue their malicious attacks against Muslims who seek to advance liberty and freedom,  no, there cannot be a “truce.” By the way, intra-faith “truces” within an American faith community over deep ideological disagreements are not best broached by the state media apparatus of a foreign autocracy like Russia. It would seem that CAIR feigns being focused on domestic civil rights of Muslims in the U.S. while spending most of its time engaging foreign media of autocratic states from Saudi Arabia to Iran and now Russia to perpetuate false information about other American Muslims.

VOR]: Islam is said to be a religion of peace, how can opposing organizations (in this instance the one you stand for and CAIR), promote peace and harmony for the same exact cause if there is so much conflict between the two groups?

Dr. Jasser: This is a peculiar question, as it seems to suggest that Muslims ourselves are a monolith. As I have explained repeatedly in my decades of work for religious freedom and peace, there is a conflict within the “House of Islam,” between those who truly support the separation of mosque and state both when we are minorities in a country and in countries where we are a majority — and those who would ultimately welcome an Islamic state or global caliphate. I delve into this in my 2012 book, A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save his Faith. I do not believe that CAIR stands for “the same exact cause” as I do. An organization like CAIR which sends letters to corrupt thuggish dictators like Muammar Qaddafi, fawning over him and what they called his exemplary Islamic behavior is hardly an organization with which I am going to find much common ground. As I said in my response to CAIR’s press release: if we want the military and the broader American community to truly embrace the contribution of American Muslims, we must reject the bullying tactics of organizations like CAIR, who claim to advocate for civil rights but really peddle a narrative of ceaseless victimhood while denigrating and libeling any Muslims who seek balance against the threat of Islamist ideologies.  Their approach belittles true transgressions against religious liberty and in fact ostracizes those Muslims who bravely serve our country. Millions of liberal Egyptian Muslims protested the Muslim Brotherhood leadership and their Islamist theocratic policies last year. Rational observers would not say that those liberal Muslims who rose against the Islamists last June were “anti-Muslim”. Those anti-Islamist Muslim voices deserve respect and honest debate whether in Egypt, the United States, or Russia.


AIFD Stands in Solidarity with Jewish Community Following Hate Crime in Kansas and Remains Committed to Freedom as Passover Begins

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) wishes to express our deep sorrow and outrage at the news of the anti-Semitic attacks in Kansas yesterday. As more is learned about the individual who committed these attacks – from his history with white supremacist movements and his apparent admiration for Hitler –  we are reminded that our work to end anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry is far from over. We at AIFD stand in solidarity with the Jewish community during this difficult time and always. We offer our condolences to the family and friends of the three innocent people who lost their lives in this act of senseless and barbaric violence.

The news of this attack against the Jewish community is especially troubling as this evening marks the beginning of Passover, when the Jewish people commemorate their freedom from bondage in Egypt. This year, as we wish our Jewish friends and allies Pesach Chag Sameach – Happy Passover – may we recommit ourselves to working for freedom for all oppressed and marginalized people everywhere. May our Jewish friends, supporters and loved ones have a blessed Passover season, and may we all remain steadfast in our commitment to freedom and ending persecution.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hannukah from AIFD

Some of the AIFD Family

Dear Friends:

We at AIFD wanted to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers and friends a wonderful, safe and happy Thanksgiving.

As liberty-minded Muslims, we are thankful each and every day for the freedom we enjoy in this remarkable nation, where individual liberty and freedom of conscience remain a sacred blessing. As we gather with our loved ones this Thanksgiving, we are especially thankful for all of you who have shared your support, encouragement and passion for freedom with us this year. We will also keep in our hearts and prayers those who may not have the blessings of home and family to share this day with.

Together we must all remain hopeful and vigilant in our efforts to bring about the day when all may enjoy the freedoms we do. Thank you for your support of our work, and for being a part of our American family, united in spirit and in dedication to liberty.

We would also like to wish a happy Hannukah to our Jewish friends. May your celebrations be blessed, and may your spirit be renewed by the remembrance of God’s grace and love for His Creation.

In liberty and with great love,

The AIFD Team

Why Won’t CAIR Break with Iranian State TV?

While the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is certainly not alone in its celebration of the Obama Administration’s deal with Tehran, their statement on the matter is of particular interest considering the organizations cozy relationship with Iranian propaganda machines like Press TV.

CAIR has for a long time enjoyed prime billing on Press TV, a network owned by the Iranian government. Since the start of the Syrian revolution, CAIR’s leadership has continued to appear on Press TV – not to demonstrate moral courage and hold the Iranian regime accountable – but to slam the United States as “anti-Muslim” and advance many of the regime’s talking points about America’s relationship to Muslims. The Assad regime could not have murdered over 120,000 Syrians, mostly Muslims, without the support of the Iranian regime and its propaganda machine with which CAIR is apparently pleased to affiliate. How can an organization claiming to care about the well-being and civil rights of Muslims stomach Iranian state TV, much less parrot its propaganda countless times?

CAIR’s choice to celebrate the deal with Iran with a mere footnote added about the Iranian regime’s ongoing massacre of civilians is revealing: why doesn’t CAIR take its obviously cozy relationship with Iranian state TV as an opportunity to regularly and vehemently advocate for the lives of those Muslims who die at the hands of the Iranian regime? While the plight of the Iranian people themselves is of great concern, many Muslims are concerned about the impact of sanctions relief on Syrians. Will some 8 billion dollars simply stock the Iranian regime’s shipments to the Assad regime and its supporters – including Hezbollah?

Perhaps this is just another example of CAIR’s hypocrisy – while claiming to advocate for the civil rights of Muslims and “make democracy work for everyone”, Nihad Awad still won’t explain why he is on record saying he would support Hamas, and the organization cozies up to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a body responsible for advocating extraordinary infringements on civil liberties and freedoms through blasphemy laws and other dangerous means.

Malala, the Nobel, and Meaningful Peace

“And now I know that you must not be afraid of death. And you must move forward. You must go forward, because education and peace are very important.”– Malala Yousafzai

It’s not every year that the Taliban weighs in on the decision of the Nobel Committee. This year, however, the decision to award the prestigious award to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons delighted the Pakistani Taliban. In fact, Islamists the world over have made condemnation of Malala a near-viral trend. Assed Baig, formerly of Islamic Relief in the United Kingdom and a prolific commentator on all things he perceives to be anti-Muslim, doesn’t see Malala as a young Muslim woman defying stereotypes and fighting against those most often responsible for the oppression and murder of fellow Muslims — the Taliban and their Islamist compatriots. Instead, he paints Malala’s story this way:

This is a story of a native girl being saved by the white man. Flown to the UK, the Western world can feel good about itself as they save the native woman from the savage men of her home nation. It is a historic racist narrative that has been institutionalised…The story of an innocent brown child that was shot by savages for demanding an education and along comes the knight in shining armour to save her.”(Huffington Post, July 2013.)

Also appearing in the Huffington Post was this piece by a young woman named Sofia Ahmed, writing from the UK. To Sofia, Muslims who speak out in support of Malala and against Islamism are “nefarious” attention-seeking propagandists, and the West’s “feminist crusade” is responsible for the abuses of women so rampant within our own Muslim community.

As American Muslim blogger Meriam Sabih ­so capably pointed out, Assed Baig and Sofia Ahmed’s attacks on Malala dismiss her personal bravery, ignore the universality of her message, and perpetuate the misogynist honor culture responsible for the silencing and brutalization of Muslim women worldwide. It doesn’t matter to Baig and Ahmed that Pakistani doctors were in part responsible for saving Malala’s life. In the eyes of Baig, Ahmed, and others like them, when Muslim women speak out their efforts are nothing but Western fabrications, imperialist conspiracies, and sources of shame for Islamist men. Sabih highlights, and we agree, that these condemnations of Malala and the West are eerily similar to comments made by the Pakistani Taliban’s Adnan Rasheed in a letter he wrote to Malala this summer. Ultimately, while many Islamists don’t share the violent tendencies of the Taliban, their disdain for women, individual liberty, and dissent is part of the same dangerous supremacist ideology of political Islam.

Sadly, the Nobel Committee seems to share the same views about who should “represent” Muslim women. In 2011, they awarded Tawakkol Karman with the Nobel Peace Prize for what they call her “struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work.” Ms. Karman has declared Mohamed Morsi the “Arab world’s Mandela” and is a senior member of Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood affiliated al-Islah party. How can a leading figure within a movement seeking to restricts women’s most basic liberties, including that of freedom from genital mutilation, be awarded such a prestigious award in the name of women’s rights?

When the Nobel Committee dissented with the chorus of voices calling for Malala to be honored, did they do so because they truly believe that the failed effort to obliterate chemical weapons represents successful peace? Or, were they reluctant to take on the threat of Islamism by supporting the teenage girl who strikes fear in the Taliban? Not having participated in their discussions, we will never really know. What we do know is that supporting young women like Malala and young men who share her commitment to individual liberty is the only way that the world will achieve a meaningful and lasting peace. Regrettably, Western governments (including the Obama administration) have often failed to ally with liberty-minded Muslims and have instead placated Islamists and their sympathizers.

It is certainly true that liberty-minded Muslims have a difficult road ahead. Not only do we face vicious onslaughts from Islamists and their supporters, but we must also work against a suffocating tide of cultural relativism and decades-old policies which stifle those voices calling out for freedom. Granting Malala Yousafzai the Nobel Peace Prize would have been the right thing to do, signaling to the world that those who stand with courageous voices for reform understand that the key to peace is courage in the face of monsters like the Taliban.

Of course, Malala’s courage is not diminished because it was not recognized by the Nobel Committee. Millions of young Muslims, girls and women in particular, are emboldened by her example and inspired by her message. People of all religions and none have been inspired to make positive change. Ultimately, that is the greatest prize any activist could hope for.



10/15/13 American Islamic Forum for Democracy extends a Blessed Eid al-Adha or Holiday of the Sacrifice to Muslims Around the World

American Islamic Forum for Democracy extends a Blessed Eid al-Adha or Holiday of the Sacrifice to Muslims Around the World

PHOENIX (October 15, 2013) – The American Islamic Forum for Democracy released the following statement to mark Eid al-Adha:


“To all of our Muslim friends, members, and supporters we at the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) wish you a most Blessed Eid al-Adha. 

May the commemoration of this holiday remind us of all of God’s blessings which we enjoy every day and may it also remind us of the responsibility which comes with them.

This year marks another Eid al-Adha on which the people of Syria are sacrificing all they have for freedom. As we honor this day together, we remember all of those struggling for freedom and keep them in our prayers.”


Muslims will be commemorating the Islamic holiday of Eid Al-Adha (holiday of the sacrifice) on Tuesday, October 15, 2013. Eid Al-Adha, the “biggest holiday” for Muslims, occurs on the 9th Day of the month of Dhul-Hijja, the 12th month of the Islamic (Hijri) lunar calendar — 12/09/1434 (Islamic Lunar calendar) and10/15/2013 (Gregorian calendar). Eid al-Adha marks the end of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj) of Muslims to Mecca.


Over 2.5 million Muslims participate annually in the Hajj (pilgrimage) which commemorates the Muslim understanding of the challenges placed upon the Prophet Abraham by God in demonstration of his monotheistic belief.


Annually, in addition to those who participate in the pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslims take this holiday to remember God, family, and country and thank God for health, happiness, and prosperity.


About the American Islamic Forum for Democracy

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. AIFD’s mission advocates for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. For more information on AIFD, please visit our website at




10/08/13 Giving Air to Tyrants

by M. Zuhdi Jasser

 On September 7th former Congressman Dennis Kucinich helped Fox News to secure an interview with embattled Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. More than a troubling demonstration of his continued closeness to the Assad regime, Kucinich’s efforts and the interview itself raise broader concerns about our free media helping to advance the propaganda of Arab dictators while their regimes slaughter civilians by the thousands.

Showcasing the Assad regime for anything other than the fiercest criticisms is certainly not new. In what was perhaps the most glamorous depiction of the Assad legacy thus far, Vogue Magazine praised the looks of Asma al-Assad and the mild manners and blue jeans of her husband Bashar while making no mention of how this “long limbed” couple oppresses, tortures and murders its civilians. Today, Asma al-Assad’s online curriculum vitae still leads with the photo used by Vogue to open the 2011 article. Later, Barbara Walters, in an extensive and gentle interview (complete with soft-focus lighting), gave Bashar al-Assad a full hour on prime time; while CNN invited Asma al-Assad to condemn what she called Israel’s “barbaric assaults on innocent civilians” and speak to the potential of Arab youth. In the past month, Assad and his benefactor Russian President Putin both conducted a media tour of The New York Times, PBS/CBS and now Fox News to press their ideological positions on the American people. Giving Putin and Assad space to further lie about the benefit of Assad signing the chemical weapons ban treaty is no different from giving Hitler a forum on American shores to proclaim that he will give up his gas chambers if we don’t invade on D-Day.

Of course, this is not Syria – and so the media is free to interview who they like, even if viewers find the content repugnant. But what are the real consequences?

The “charm offensive” strategy of media tours has been beneficial to tyrant Assad – and now his ally, Iran’s President Rouhani – is doing the same, knowing that Western elites will clamor to give him all the positive press he desires.

In just one short week, Secretary Kerry changed his narrative on Syria strikes – from a strident rebuke that punishes the Assad regime for using chemical weapons and killing 120,000 people to a protracted statement about intervention through “through peaceful means.”

They were able to do this because the Obama Administration has failed to articulate a Middle East strategy that embraces the most exceptional part of America – our commitment to the right of every human being to freedom. The media, with its soft-focus lens for tyrants, has only made this passivity more palatable to the American public.

There is no journalistic or ethical value in giving a ruthless tyrant the space to propagandize and rationalize his genocide of the Syrian people. The Syrian regime regularly posts his American media appearances on its social media channels, something he would not have done if the interviews were at all critical of his actions. Simply put, he uses his appearances in the American media as a marker of legitimacy.

Assad’s media tour allowed him to present himself as a victim of terrorists rather than as a key ally to the Iranian regime and backer of terrorist networks himself, and gave him the impact he needed to discredit American influence in the region. Most damaging to our own national security is the fact that by currying favor with the American public, Assad was able to convince many that he – a staunch ally of Hizbullah – is a voice of reason and liberty in the Middle East.

The debate about Syria needs to be refocused on the reality the Syrian people have faced for 45 years. This is not just a 2.5 year revolution. This is not just about 1,400 people being killed with chemical weapons and 120,000 people being killed with conventional weapons.

This is a revolution sparked by 15 million people clamoring for the right to be free. This is a revolution sparked by the masses of 10-15 million Syrian citizens clamoring for the right to be free. Tell me whose side should the United States be on  – certainly not Vladimir Putin’s, Bashar Al-Assad’s, Hassan Rouhani’s, or Hassan Nasrallah’s?

Zuhdi Jasser is the president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and the author of A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot’s Fight to Save His Faith.

9/18/13 AIFD Now Hiring Public Engagement Coordinator/Executive Assistant

The American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) is a nationally recognized Phoenix-based non-profit organization with a mission to advocate for the preservation of the US Constitution, liberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. AIFD is seeking a motivated individual with excellent organizational skills who can assist the organization with its mission.

 Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Engage in event planning and in the coordination of a variety of activities having to do with program outreach; including public engagements wherein AIFD’s founder and president participates as the keynote speaker, a member of a panel, in project implementation, and in fundraising activities.
  • Facilitate team communications for President & CEO with stakeholders.
  • Coordinate, schedule, and maintain calendar of meetings and events; coordinate logistics and activities with event hosts. Arrange travel accommodations for AIFD staff and prepare travel and presentation materials.
  • Assist with the development and implementation of projects as instructed by President and/or Director of Operations.
  • Maintain and develop organizational documents as needed (e.g. CVs, event flyers, etc.). Compile, develop, and prepare documents that facilitate data analysis.
  • Compose, type, and proofread a variety of reports, statistical charts, agendas, and program/event documents. Also, transcribe recordings and meeting minutes.
  • Maintain, develop, and implement effective and efficient recordkeeping systems and ensure that information is logically organized, appropriately cross-referenced and accessible to users; ensure confidentiality of sensitive information which is not part of the public record.
  • Process accounts payable, payroll, and event reimbursements through QuickBooks.
  • Maintain contact information for supporters in Microsoft Outlook, Constant Contact, and MatchMaker.
  • Operate a variety of office equipment including a computer; input and retrieve data, and work with digital media as needed.
  • Perform related duties and responsibilities as required.

Knowledge and Skills:

Functions and operation of an administrative office and associated practices.

Maintenance of budget and financial records.

Operation and use of word processing, spreadsheet, database management and other associated office and business software.

Business letter writing and report preparation techniques and methods.

Principles and procedures of filing and record keeping.

English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation and syntax.

Internet navigation and the ability to readily find answers to questions.

Qualifications and Abilities:

Two years of experience as an administrative assistant

Excellent organization skills

Ability to maintain records and engage in database management

Excellent demeanor and customer service skills

Ability to prioritize work and the ability to quickly shift priorities

Proficiency in using Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point

Proficiency with QuickBooks

Experience working with MatchMaker (donor database)

Ability to handle pressure and multi-task

Knowledge of email marketing (Constant Contact)

Knowledge of Word Press web editing

Compensation: Salary Range – $33,000-$36,000 (DOE); Benefits negotiable

Hours:  M-F 8:30 am – 5:30 pm        

Application Process:

Please email the following documents to

Cover Letter and Resume

Handwritten essay (around two paragraphs) stating why you want to work for AIFD

At least three professional references

First review of applicants begins September 20, 2013.


Misguided “Million Muslim March” Won’t be just be Sparse – it’s also a Disgrace

A “Million American March Against Fear” sounds like a benign, if not positive, way to commemorate the upcoming anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Imagine: Americans of all backgrounds and faiths joining in one voice, telling the terrorists that no, they have not won; that despite the evil our country has endured at their hands – we still stand against fear. Because they have not made us afraid, we have won.

Unfortunately, the “Million American March Against Fear” is no such event. Its title is a mere reworking of what its organizers previously called the “Million Muslim March.” Organized by the previously unknown American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), it will feature speakers from a multitude of Islamist groups (including CAIR-Los Angeles and the Muslim American Society), and is heavily supported by  9/11 “truther” groups. The group’s leader, MD Rabbi Alam, has long been known as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, and his colleagues are no better. AMPAC’s national communications director, Dr. Kevin Barrett, was identified by the Anti-Defamation League as a vicious anti-Semitic proponent of 9/11 conspiracy theories. He also boasts of publications in Iranian and Russian media on his bizzare website, “Truth Jihad.”

Last night, Dr. Jasser debated Christopher Phillips, who has previously been quite active with Occupy Wall Street and its affiliates. Last evening, he was representing AMPAC. In a stunning display, Mr. Phillips was unable to unequivocally deny the problematic nature of the group organizing the demonstration on September 11.  When asked about AMPAC’s troublesome history as advocates of 9/11 “truther” theories and proponents of anti-Semitic rhetoric, Phillips dodged questions, shouted illogical responses, and seemed shocked and offended to be asked about his own group and its leadership. Most revealing of all, when asked if groups like Hamas and Hezbollah were welcome at his event, Phillips replied: “everyone is invited.” His only condition was that the event itself not be violent. It seems that AMPAC chose Mr. Phillips to represent them on national television to communicate that theirs is no longer an explicitly “Muslim march.” What was communicated, however, is that their event is just as offensive  as we first believed. (See Dr. Jasser commenting further on the event here.)

If AMPAC sought to demonstrate against fear, it would organize a demonstration against those who intend to strike terror into the hearts of innocent people by protesting the ideology of Nidal Hasan, whose trial is currently underway in Texas; or join those of us who address, honestly and openly, the cause of radicalization that lead to the terrorist attacks in Boston in April of this year. They would demonstrate in solidarity with Christians in Egypt who have seen their places of worship and their businesses destroyed by vigilantes who plunder and burn while screaming the name of our God. We have repeatedly seen Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups refuse to address these issues (and demonize us for doing so). Now we see some of their leadership trickling to attend AMPAC’s circus on the Hill.

To the American Muslim Political Action Committee, we say: America already stands against fear. We do this by protecting the American values of liberty and freedom, of truth and resilience in the face of terror. We do this by fighting the very ideology which attacked us on September 11, 2001 and again on April 15, 2013 – and which has sought to attack us countless times in between and after. We stand against terror, against anti-Semitism, and against the toxic ideology you have claimed will bring a “million Muslims” to the capital of this great nation. We take heart, knowing this will not happen – and we remain steadfast in our condemnation of your event, your ideology, and your goals.

To watch the video of Dr. Jasser debating Chris Phillips of the American Muslim Political Action Committee:

Ethiopia Does Have a Legitimate Fear of Violent Religious Extremism, 2/14/13

Ethiopia Does Have a Legitimate Fear of Violent Religious Extremism

But The Government’s Response Threatens To Turn That Fear Into A Self-Fulfilling Prophesy

Address by M. ZUHDI JASSER, Commissioner, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom–Delivered at the Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, D.C., Feb. 14, 2013

Published in, April 2013

 Thank you for that kind introduction.

I want to thank Ambassador Campbell and the Coun­cil on Foreign Relations for inviting USCIRF here to share our findings about the situation of religious freedom today in Ethiopia, particularly as it pertains to the country’s Mus­lim population. We appreciate Ambassador Campbell giving us this platform today.

My remarks will be largely based on my visit to Addis Ababa from December 15 through the 19th of last year, as part of a USCIRF delegation.

My comments today will include a summary of our find­ings based on our own observations and our meetings with a number of key individuals in Ethiopia.

These individuals included the Minister of Federal Af­fairs; the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; members of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council or EIASC; the U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Donald Booth; attorneys for imprisoned Muslim protestors and some protestors them­selves; the Interim Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; the government’s Human Rights Commission; and members of several nongovernmental human rights and in­terfaith organizations.

Speaking for USCIRF, let me say that before our trip to Ethiopia, we were deeply concerned about reports about the deterioration of freedom of religion for Muslims in that na­tion, especially since July 2011, when the government first sought to change the way Islam was practiced and began to punish clergy and laity alike who resisted its new policy.

Our findings confirmed not only our concerns but our level of concern about the loss of religious freedom and its negative impact—both as a human rights issue and a poten­tial security matter for Ethiopia and for the region.


Before I get into our findings, let me provide some rel­evant background.

When it comes to religion, about a third of Ethiopians are Muslim, and most Muslims in Ethiopia traditionally have been Sufis.

The Ethiopian government has generally respected the religious freedom of its people, including Muslims, until very recently.

In Ethiopia’s constitution, Article 27 guarantees religious freedom and—to quote its words—”the independence of the state from religion.”

And in practice, Ethiopia has had a long history of reli­gious toleration.

However, there are four critical factors that have set the stage for the recent shift away from honoring this vital hu­man right.

First, there is the matter of geography.

Simply stated, Ethiopia is situated in an increasingly vola­tile region of the world. It borders Eritrea, Somalia, and both Sudan and South Sudan. In both Somalia and Sudan, vio­lent religious extremists pose a genuine danger to Ethiopia.

Second, within its own borders, Ethiopia remains con­cerned about the growth of Wahhabism as a potential threat to the country’s stability and security.

Third, the policies of the Ethiopian government have sig­nificantly shriveled the country’s civil society.

The government has shut down independent newspa­pers, arresting their editors.

It has also imposed limits on foreign funding for human rights, democracy promotion, and conflict mitigation.

As result, domestic NGOs are left with a range of problem­atic choices.

They are either forced to work with the government, for­going their independent status and drastically curtailing their activities, or to close up shop.

As a result, there are no independent groups operating in Ethiopia that can monitor religious freedom, undertake inter­faith cooperation, or lead in intra-faith conflict mitigation ac­tivities.

And finally, in addition to its ongoing political repression of civil society, Ethiopia’s government has now chosen the way of religious repression in dealing with the threat posed by Wah­habism and related forces of religious extremism.

Overall, the policies pursued by the Ethiopian government have been a textbook example of how not to fight religious extremism.

July 2011 and Its Aftermath

In many ways, July 2011 was a pivotal point for religious freedom for Ethiopia’s Muslim community.

That’s when the government decided that the way to fight Wahhabism was not by increasing religious freedoms for Ethio­pia’s Muslim community, but rather by importing imams from Lebanon who represented al-Ahbash, an alternative movement within Islam, to forcibly train Ethiopian imams and Islamic school educators on that sect’s beliefs.

For those who refused to be trained or to teach this imposed theology, the government began dismissing them from their positions and closing their mosques and schools.

This effort, which continued through the end of 2011, was conducted not only through the Ethiopian Ministry of Federal Affairs, but through EIASC, the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council.

As for EIASC, by the time this effort was launched, its mem­bers were being appointed by the government, instead of being elected by the Muslim community. Consequently, the Ethio­pian Muslim community had no recognized and independent voice to share their concerns and objections.

By December 2011, the government’s actions to impose al- Ahbash triggered protests which have been held nearly every Friday outside of mosques following prayer.


In the spring of 2012, as the protests continued and the EIASC was unable to represent the community’s concerns, an Arbitration Committee of 17 Islamic scholars was created to negotiate with the government about respecting the constitu­tion’s religious freedom guarantees, ending the imposition of al-Ahbash on Ethiopian Muslims, reopening and returning schools and mosques to their original imams and administra­tors. The Committee also asked that new elections be held for the EIASC and that the voting take place in mosques, rather than in government community centers.


By July of 2012, negotiations with the government had failed, and protests increased in both size and frequency.

In response, the government launched a crackdown, sur­rounded the demonstrators with police, and conducted house-to-house searches.


Between July 13 and July 21, it arrested all 17 members of the Arbitration Committee and nearly 1,000 protestors– al­though it did release all but 9 Committee members shortly thereafter.


The government escalated this conflict when, on October of last year, it leveled specific charges against the protestors, charging 29 of them—including the 9 Arbitration Committee members it was still holding, with terrorism and attempting to establish an Islamic state.


As of today, the government has presented no evidence to prove that any of these people are terrorists.


Moreover, the government has a history of using the Anti- Terror Proclamation under which they were charged as a tool to silence independent journalists and political opposition lead­ers, rather than to combat terrorism.


Our Meetings in Ethiopia


It is in this context that our meetings in Ethiopia occurred.


We met with attorneys for 28 of the 29 charged who re­ported that their clients were tortured and that they have had trouble meeting with those imprisoned. Our USCIRF delega­tion requested to meet with the 29, but the government did not grant our request.

In our meetings with government officials, they denied that the government played a role in the al-Ahbash trainings.


They insisted that their sole role was to educate participants about constitutional provisions relating to religious freedom and separation of religion and state.


They rejected our concerns that the government was forcing a particular religious belief onto a religious community, insist­ing that the government continues to respect individuals’ rights to believe as they wish.


They also said that they don’t violate religious freedom or meddle in religious affairs unless “red lines” are crossed, a term they failed to define.


The EIASC Question


They also claimed that the EIASC was solely responsible for the al-Ahbash trainings.


Yet the fact that EIASC members had been appointed by the government belies that claim, and not surprisingly, the EIASC is widely viewed as being government-controlled.

While the government did agree to allow new elections for EIASC in October 2012, protestors claimed the election was neither fair nor free and that the government vetted all candi­dates on the ballot.


In our meeting with EIASC, they reiterated, literally almost word for word, the government’s talking points about respect for separation of religion and state and called the protestors against government interference “terrorists.” Ironically, the Council used this charged language in spite of the fact that some of its members themselves had participated in the pro­tests.


Furthermore, EIASC members constantly referred our ques­tions to the Council’s vice president, whom our delegation later learned is close to Ethiopia’s ruling party. We have also learned that the Council’s president previously served in senior govern­ment postings.


Finally, and chillingly, the EIASC members said there would be no divisions within Ethiopia’s Muslim community and that those with different theological views would be, and I quote, “brought into the fold.”




So what does this all mean?


First, Ethiopia does have a legitimate fear of violent religious extremism.


Its neighbors include at least two countries, Somalia and Su­dan, which remain hotbeds of such forces.


As we’ve said, within the nation, the growth of Wahhabism remains a challenge.


Further, there have been occasional incidents of religion-related violence.


In March 2011, for example, Muslim-led violence in the Jimma region damaged over 60 churches and homes after a reported Quran desecration.


But second, the government’s response to that fear threatens to turn that fear into a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Simply put, you don’t fight religious extremism with reli­gious repression or with government meddling.


You fight it with religious freedom, opening up space for religious actors to freely and peacefully debate their beliefs.

You don’t fight it by dictating, rigging, or manipulating out­comes in the marketplace of ideas.


You fight it by promoting, as much as possible, a truly free marketplace of ideas, including religious ideas.


Above all, you fight it by trusting in the common sense of your own people.


You fight it by trusting that when given the choice, most people will instinctively reject a path that invites total strang­ers—violent and radicalized strangers—to exert complete con­trol over every aspect of their lives and the lives of their loved ones.


The only real chance the radicals have of winning a critical mass of people to their cause—in Ethiopia or in most areas of the world—is if governments, in the name of fighting these extremists, seriously abuse their own people’s freedom.


And so our message to Ethiopia’s government, and indeed, to any government facing this challenge, is to fight and win the battle for hearts and minds by choosing the pathway of freedom.


But that must mean that these governments themselves must reject tyranny of every kind.


Make no mistake:


Study after study demonstrates a correlation between free­dom and stability, freedom and social harmony, freedom and prosperity.


And study after study reveals a correlation between lack of freedom and lack of these great blessings.


In Ethiopia, as elsewhere, it is our hope that, not only for the sake of human rights, but for the advancement of stability, harmony, and prosperity, governments choose to fight radical­ism with freedom.


Thank you.