Ramadan Kareem from AIFD! Sunday, May 5, 2019

To all our Muslim friends and supporters:

Tomorrow, Muslims around the world will begin our observance of the holy month of Ramadan. During this month, the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, all who are physically and mentally able to do so will abstain from all of both food and drink from dawn until sunset.

This fast is not one of sorrow, but of thankfulness: the month of Ramadan reminds us to give thanks for our blessings, while keeping the suffering in our prayers and doing what we can to help them.

Each Ramadan, we at AIFD are keenly aware of the sanctity and safety of this great nation which we call home, and which gives us the comfort and freedom to sincerely engage in the humble spiritual renewal that is Ramadan.

This Ramadan, just as we do every year, we also will reaffirm our commitment to advocate for all those persecuted on the basis of their faith or their choice to reject religion; those suffering from gender and honor-based violence; and to take firm action to end these injustices. We remain eternally committed to ending the suffering of those who remain suffering in Syria, and in other places where the diseases of fascism or of theocracy keep innocents oppressed. We are especially keenly aware this year of our continued and sadly ever increasing demand to confront the root causes of radical Islamism and its jihad. We will continue to pray this month to strengthen our resolve and empower our advocacy for freedom within all our communities.

We honor and hold sacred the fact that Ramadan symbolizes equality among Muslims and among all human beings.

For all those who fast out of free will and with sincere intention, we find common goodness and reward in it, and for all those who choose any way to commemorate this spiritual holy month of Ramadan we share with you in this communality.

May all your prayers and wishes for atonement that you seek form God through your fast and worship be heard and fulfilled.

May we pray to end forever the attacks against people of faith at home and across the planet. May our prayers and fasting build a wall of protection around all sentient human beings across the planet.

We are blessed to take this opportunity to wish Muslims worldwide a blessed and safe Ramadan, and a spiritually fulfilling fast.

Blessing always,

From your team at the …

American Islamic Forum for Democracy

April 22, 2019: AIFD President, M Zuhdi Jasser speaks out in response to the attacks in Sri Lanka

Another act of radical Islamist jihadist terror-worst since 9/11-has struck against religious freedom, diversity, and harmony. We grieve for all who suffer and give our prayers and resolve again to defeat all Islamists and their global jihad.

As we wait to get details of who all (beyond the Islamist homicide bombers) is behind these horrific acts, it bears noting that typically Islamist terror starts first with willing militant jihadists gathering in a cell and then they narrow in on vulnerable and symbolic targets.

Many will wring their hands trying to peg relevance to local politics or history in #SriLanka. However the global #jihad cares little about that, but that a coalesced jihadist cell wanted to wreak havoc on religious liberty and diversity somewhere in the planet.

The #GlobalJihad can only be defeated globally not locally! And can only be defeated with honest reforms AGAINST #Islamism #PoliticalIslam and FOR religious freedom and liberty and free speech!

Yours in liberty,
M Zuhdi Jasser
Muslim Reform Movement
American Islamic Forum for Democracy


Australia 3/11/2019: The Bolt Report

Mosque and state must be separated to defeat terrorism: Jasser

Muslim reformer Dr Zuhdi Jasser says that until the Muslim community separates mosque and state, radicalism will not be defeated. Mr Jasser says de-programming radicals such as those who joined ISIS is very difficult due to literalist interpretations of the Qur’an. Mr Jasser says if ‘autocracy and theocracy’ in the Muslim world is ever going to be defeated, a strategy is needed in the west, as western Muslim communities have more freedoms to create change.

Click here for the full interview.

2/12/2019: FNC – America’s Newsroom – What America should learn from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) anti-Semitism and radical Islamism.

February 6, 2019 “Freedom – a generation away from extinction”.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

These words spoken by Ronald Reagan have never been truer than they are today. We must always keep in mind that the United States is a very young country compared to many other nations in the world, and that while our democracy has endured many struggles, and has always prevailed, it is not indestructible. Anything that is taken for granted is in danger of being swept away.

For that reason, we must be ever vigilant when it comes to protecting the democratic ideals that the Founding Fathers gave us. We must fight for liberty and freedom with a greater intensity than those who seek to destroy it.

At AIFD we fight day in and day out for liberty and freedom from Islamism. We seek to reform and ultimately defeat the ideas of Islamism. We see the global and domestic scourge of Islamism and its attendant OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) nations as the single greatest threat to the West.

It’s not too hard to look around today here at home and see the ascendancy of radical Islamists and the weakening of our foundations of liberty. Many Muslims believe in President Reagan’s vision for America’s role in the world and in our own identity at home.

Join us in commemorating Ronald Reagan on what would be his 108th birthday by supporting our fight for a cause that far exceeds our own self interest, our fight for every individual to have the freedom to choose their destiny. Consider donating $108, and help pass on Ronald Reagan’s ideals to forthcoming generations. We have a dream that future generations might live in a world without the lingering threat of Islamism. Please donate $108, and help us make that dream a reality.
